Bestiarium Laurae
Submitted by Massimo Sarandrea on the 5th of February 2012
Galerie Giulia Antiquités presents a solo exhibition by Laura Palmieri titled “Bestiarium Laurae”. The exhibition, curated by Antonella Greco (author of the critique) in collaboration with Vincenzo Mazzarella and Massimo Sarandrea, presents 30 works on paper made in china by the artist on the theme of the representation of a bestiary.
“Nothing to do with the bestiary that is the new activity of Laura. First of all this is designs: real china drawings in black and white, where the dense grid of marks - she wants to underline, does not fill an outline, but "builds" the image, almost like a print on copper of the eighteenth century. Then it is about "individuals" belonging to a sympathetic zoology, with a friendly attitude and a readable expression even when it is a seal watched from the back with two huge fins, an aristocratic giraffe identified feature by feature, intersection to intersection in all its stains, a seal sitting on his own in profile with large mustaches, a camel and a buffalo with gentle eyes. (...) It's worth, every now and then, to measure ourselfes with what was not interesting us before. After the series of French ports (with pink, silver, purple overlaid signs), now comes the series of the animals. Curiosity, humor, sometimes a microscopic dose of cruelty are the ingredients to which Laura has accustomed us: and even some acrobatics between the techniques to emphasize that, trivially, in research he who hesitates is lost, and that it basically goes all for good.” - Antonella Greco (2010)